UTM builder software with Leafwire Digital today

UTM builder solutions by Leafwire Digital today: Our Chrome browser extension lets you capture single, multiple web URL links and all links in an email with a click, as it opens the tagging dashboard for you simultaneously. You can then select your tracking parameters, tag your links with them and use your new links in seconds. Highly efficient for email producers. Both your UTM tracking parameters and links are saved in the CampaignTrackly website, so you can edit, re-use, or export them on demand. Find even more details at https://www.campaigntrackly.com/. Fully automated tag library, tag standardization, duplicates prevention, required tags control, templates & more. All UTM Links in One Place: Uniform link tagging with no manual work eliminates errors. All links stored in one place. Easy to find, export, archive.

The Ultimate URL Builder & Link Management Solution for Your Marketing Campaigns

Weekly email updates will keep you up to speed on any progress and new campaigns happening in your account. You can stop emails at any time. Multi-Link Grabbing Chrome Extension: We now offer an enterprise edition of our Link grabber which enables email producers to grab, tag and auto-return tagged links into email with a click. No extra effort. Our deeper Google Drive integration enables you to add display images to your display tagging campaigns and even send all your links automatically to a Google drive document to save time.

Step 1: Sign up for free. No credit card required. 14 days full access and then a forever-free account with limited access. (1 min) 5% Step 2: Define Standardization Rules in Account Settings>Standardize Tags. (5 min). Step 3: Use our Tracking Workbook to define your tag groups and populate values. Update your final link architecture. Create your templates. Export your tag values in .CSV files. (90 min). Step 4: Go to the Tag Library to upload all your UTM and Custom tags from the CSV files you created. (15 min). Step 5: Create campaign templates. You are now ready to start building links. (15 Min).

We standardize your tags and store them for future use to avoid mis-spellings, broken naming conventions or tracking confusion. Tags instantly become available to use on your tracking link building dashboards. Standard and Custom Tags: Leverage our tool’s ability to pre-save a large library of both the standard UTM parameters, as well as any type custom tags, including CID, IAD, numbers & languages to drive effortless consistency. Have repeating campaigns that use the same combinations of medium, content, term, source and custom UTM values? Users can save even more time with pre-set tag values combined and saved as Tag Templates.

CampaignTrackly empowers you to build a consistent link tracking execution process to streamline your analytics tracking and reporting. We give you the flexibility & automation power you need to win back valuable time while driving consistence and improving marketing decisions via a well-governed and sustainable, “insights-first” approach to marketing. Building UTM tracking links to measure marketing attribution is a complex and daunting process for business users. No amount of training will minimize the frustration of having to handle multiple spreadsheets and touch points to be able to track the success of your promotions. Read extra info on Campaign Trackly.

Adobe Analytics CID & IAD Nomenclatures, Standard & Custom CID Values: We provide an out-of-the-box simple Adobe Analytics set up for both standard and custom CID values. Available to all customers. Custom Adobe Analytics Setup: We offer cutomized envrionment setup for customer for large and complex Adobe Analytics CID & AID tag nomenclatures and multiple players. Dedicated Support: We provide dedicated support to ensure your set up needs are met and your team – onboarded. We are happy to add cutom features at your request.